Sunday, December 24, 2006

It’s Sunday morning and the faithful have gathered. There is only one morning service today at Hometown Friends Church and the room is packed. Tonight there will be three Christmas Eve candle light services. December 24 is never a day off for church staff.

The advent candle this morning represented our personal light (i.e., “this little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.”) I wonder if some of us need to pour some powdered creamer on our little light. I learned last night that my grown son and one of his friends collected the little containers of powdered creamer for their combustion value. Some of their inventory created a two-story torch. From the top of a dormitory stair well, a good quantity of the creamer was poured on an open flame down below to create a spectacular sight. Since I didn’t see it (and didn’t even know about it for approximately 20 years) I can only image the home-make pyro show.


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