It’s Sunday morning and the faithful have gathered. I’m tracking with what I’m hearing, but the central focus is alluding me this morning. I’m hearing about dress code and that busyness doesn’t add to our worth. “Do What Jesus Did . . . Focus on Essentials” is the title of the message, but the text has to do with observing the Sabbath. In the Luke 6:1-11 Bible reading, Jesus and his disciples stepped across the line defined by the religious leaders of that time. A little bit ago we were all doing our music thing and asked the question: “What does the Lord require of you?” The answer we sang was “to seek justice and love kindness and walk humbly with your God.” It seemed like a good definition of essentials at the time and I didn’t expect we were headed toward talking about keeping the Sabbath. Jesus healed a man in the synagogue where the religious leaders couldn’t miss it—in your face style.
Maybe I won’t have to listen to the podcast later this week in order to put everything together. I’m guessing the message really had more to do with the healing than Sunday dos and don’ts.
Maybe I won’t have to listen to the podcast later this week in order to put everything together. I’m guessing the message really had more to do with the healing than Sunday dos and don’ts.
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