A book coming out in October brought me to this discovery. The book is Ending Hunger Now by George McGovern and Bob Dole. McGovern, Dole, and theologian and activist Donald Messer believe that helping the millions who lack the basic provision of adequate food is a religious imperative and human priority. I’d like to have on the Barclay Press Web site a good review of this book written by someone who is “hands-on” involved on a regular basis in alleviating hunger. I know some people who once a month serve lunch to the homeless at an urban park, but right now I can’t think of anyone in my circle of friends who has an active passion for ending hunger, nobody who is working on the front line, nobody with enough personal experience in addressing hunger to have expert status.
It seems like I should have at least one friend who is investing a substantial amount of time or money into feeding the hungry.